Saturday, September 6, 2008

What about Twitter?

I've been playing with Facebook's mobile features recently. I particularly like the ability to update my status by texting from my cell phone. And that got me thinking...

What about Twitter? I mean, that's kind of what Twitter is all about, right? And I've always kind of been, well, appalled is too strong, but mildly repulsed by the whole concept of updating my status whenever I turn around. But it's kind of fun, too, in a really narcissistic kind of way. So I was wondering...

Do any of my friends use Twitter? Would anyone care if I'm driving to work, or sitting in a bar listening to Junk Science (great band, btw), or whatever? So tell me...

What about Twitter?

P.S. In case you don't know wtf I'm talking about:


Emily's Blog said...

Twitter has recently entered my radar and left me wondering, "Um, what?" Be our guinea pic, Erick! Be a Twitterer.

Erick G. Hagstrom said...

Ok, but being a lone twitterer seems pointless. I'd be twittering quietly to myself off in a corner somewhere with spittle dripping off my keyboard and everyone who wandered by would shake their heads and wonder how such a blogger could have been brought so low.

It's like the age-old question, "If a man is alone in the forest and there's no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"

Wanna be a guinea pig co-twitterer? Anyone else up for the challenge?

Emily Barker said...

Twitter is silly.

Emily Barker said...

Twitter is silly and isn't worth the cell bill increase that I'm sure I'll see. Although I'll miss knowing more about your whereabouts than your woman, I'm quitting the twitting. nyuk, nyuk

A.E. Bayne said...

I heard an NPR spot about Twitter:

Also, Gene Weingarten from the Post's Sunday magazine wrote a funny article about it:

I don't know. I think we are slowly losing our ability to create beautiful language. I see that with students at school who struggle to come up with a complete sentence because they are so comfortable with texting and shortening what they say to people. It's like bamboo under the nails to get them to write a descriptive sentence. Brevity has its place, but I'm not really the person to ask about cutting sentences short. I tend over emphasize everything I write, hopefully not ad nauseum. For an example, check out my latest story, Failure to Abort, at

A.E. Bayne said...

How'd you like that shameless blog plug?

Emily Barker said...

Awesome plug, Ms Bayne.

Hey Mr Hagstrom. According to my blog roll, it's been 4 weeks since you posted. Whaddup?!?